After an incident involving a drier and my wallet, I’m in the market for a new one. Is there any wellcultured-approved style of wallet? I’m kind of partial to those monk flip wallets, but the ladyfriends I’ve mentioned them to think they’re ugly. What’re the best options?
Because wallets are typically hidden, they don’t really need to be that fashionable, but nonetheless, I’ll provide some guidelines.
With wallets, you only need to worry about a few things — durability, size, and acceptability. For these reasons, standard leather bifold wallets are, at least in my opinion, the best. Bifolds are relatively slim and comfortable — trifolds tend to be too bulky, and “flip wallets” can get weak and lose your credit cards/cash. Leather is ideal because it is durable: leather doesn’t wear or destroy quite as quickly as other materials, and it tends to work with casual and formal outfits alike. Avoid gaudy patterns or tacky styles (like overdesigned “designer wallets” or godawful Urban Outfitters-esque joke wallets). A simple black or brown bifold leather wallet will last virtually forever and carry as much or as little as you like.
Nonetheless, wallets aren’t that important. Realistically, few people will see your wallet, and insofar as it isn’t huge a bad wallet won’t detract from an outfit. So with that being said, buy something cheap and durable that you like — don’t worry about it too much.
Tags: wallets
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