The Internet is a great place for fashion- it allows us to shop online, view great fashion ideas, and generally just troll around 24/7. However, because it’s so accessible, the Internet has brought us many many bad ideas- here are a few of them that, though popular, are absolutely horrible and absolute no-nos for any Well Cultured individual.
The 80s Sucked
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No matter how much you may have liked the 80s (or how much fun you predict the 80s were), you were probably not a major part of them and dressing in the "80s style" (which is not really 80s style anyway) is ridiculous and makes you look like a drugged up clown.
Tags: clubbing, Fashion, internet
Not even Norton can protect you… FROM BAD FASHION! By the way, he really can’t. Check out Norton’s picture on the cover of The Programmer’s Guide to the IBM PC.
Unless you mean that you happened to find these pictures on the internet, I’d say that a fair number of these have very little to do with internet culture or typical internet denizens.
Oh my God. I see this as, “in” where I live. Most of my friends think I am a faggot for dressing nice. I just tell them that they will never get girlfriends. They all look like such douchebags when they wear a Monty Python shirt to an upscale event: My cousin’s wedding!
pfft…nigga plz. YOu can look decent while wearing geeky shit. Me wearing a Domo–Kun hat helped me regarding social shit a bunch of times.
also lol regarding the popped collars and tan…..
and yes, I can get the gangsta look….acting it is harder as I have a neutral accent :/
and Cameron is a formalfag…lol, social signalling FTL 🙁
Actually, he was wearing a Burberry polo, no sign of Gucci anywhere
thats not “goth style” being pictured, those are juggalos, white trash clown idolizing ugly junky no good tough guy wannabe’s, damn juggalos. goth done right/ with the right body can look good, on the flipside imagine that fat behemoth on his chain dressed in anything else, you cant fat people look good in nothing. no designer on earth could make her look good. notice that guys shirt it has the initials I.C.P. stands for insane clown possse. they are a rap group. a bad cheezy rap group. not goth.