6 Big Ideas for Summer
It may be cold for much of the world, but it’s soon to get much warmer, and that’s the signal for most of us to begin to search for summer outfits- here are 6 big ideas to take with you when shopping.
It may be cold for much of the world, but it’s soon to get much warmer, and that’s the signal for most of us to begin to search for summer outfits- here are 6 big ideas to take with you when shopping.
How to shop for fashion- and keep fashionable- when the economy is bad and your funds are low.
As a 23 year old entering a new professional job I intend to take advantage of the cheap Shenzhen tailors on my way through Hong Kong, what basics should I get made, colours, fits etc.? (I was thinking three suits, 5-8 shirts, a blazer and 2 overcoats)
An article on the Men’s fashions of Quantum of Solace- and how to get them yourself.
Does a traditional gray pinstriped suit cut the mustard for a staple dress suit?
The basic primer on suits and how to buy them, get them tailored, and wear them.
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