3 More Things That Don’t Make You a Man
Defining manhood is a challenge due to many factors, such as cultural and religious influences. It’s easier to express what is not part of being a man. Here are three more traits that don’t make you a man.
Defining manhood is a challenge due to many factors, such as cultural and religious influences. It’s easier to express what is not part of being a man. Here are three more traits that don’t make you a man.
“Going dutch” during a date is a risky move – here are some reasons you might not want to do it.
Kirk defends the controversial CNN article on the fall of masculinity, noting that while William J. Bennett’s article is a little bit antiquated, he still makes a good point: men aren’t really manly anymore.
6 ways in which to fundamentally improve your dating profile- with focus on posting a good photo, the correct amount of information to give, and the value of avoiding negativity.
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Why Masculinity isn’t really masculine- and it all starts with James Bond, Dirty Harry, and it ends with John Rambo.
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