This guy on YouTube [link redacted for your safety] keeps saying that you can deadlift better if you begin the first rep with the bar away from your shins instead of against them like most people recommend. Is he right?
No, that guy is an idiot. If that video is to be any example, he can only deadlift 225lbs. When most people (myself included) can easily power clean and press the amount that you deadlift, you are not an expert at deadlifts.
This so-called “trainer” appears to think that deadlifting with the bar away from your shins results in an easier first pull. This is incorrect. A good deadlift involves the bar directly over your feet, as doing so reduces the amount of unnecessary back bending you have to do, thus preventing injury and encouraging quad activation. His method is a prescription for a broken back, even though the amount of weight he’s lifting is pitiful.
Tags: deadlifts, pull, safety, weight lifting
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