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Best (and worst) of the Olympic Opening Ceremonies

Written by admin, Saturday, August 9th, 2008 in Doing it Right, Fashion

People all over the world are watching the Olympic Games in China- so it stands to reason that we are too, and as the little fashion gurus we are/want to be, we’re always looking for good and bad trends. So, hot off the presses from last night, here’s a list of the best- and worst- fashions seen at the Olympic Opening Ceremony.

Note: All images taken from the NBC 2008 Summer Olympics Official Site

Great Britain

Great Britain
Picture 3 of 17

Like Japan and the US (did they compare notes?), Britain sticks to a sporty Western Polo look, and it works. The dark dresses are slimming and nice, and the white coats feel sporty- and they even have matching purses (wow, someone spent some time on that).

12 Responses to Best (and worst) of the Olympic Opening Ceremonies

  1. Ady says:

    Actually orange is a sporting colour of the Netherlands.

  2. Bo says:

    I must note, orange is the Netherlands’ national color. It’s just not included in the flag.

    I never knew gradients looked that awful…

  3. Nahuatl says:

    The color of the royal family of the Netherlands.


  4. Kirk says:

    Fixed. I is are idiot.

  5. Yossarian says:

    Spain looks like a McDonald’s ad.

  6. Yum22Yum23 says:

    I find the collar of the intermission ladies dresses a bit overdone.
    I agree on the over-colouring of certain teams, but some (most) are their country’s colours, so it is understandable.

  7. kenv98223 says:

    Gosh, you mean there was more than one of those sign-carrying ladies in red? It looked like the same one over and over again.

  8. ee says:

    actually, gradients are hugely popular right now, both in activewear and high fashion. i love the jackets the australians are wearing.

  9. Snoogy says:

    Ughh, I said the exact same thing about the Canadian team. It’s absolutely ridiculous how bad we looked, honestly.

  10. Shelby says:

    i love Turkey’s outfits. thank God they didn’t decide to do the inverse (red suit, white tie)
    also India’s outfits are good but they all look like they’re a few head dresses short of a mega-shadi.
    i love Japan’s … those are cute.
    And USA… no good. They all look like they’re going golfing.

  11. Coituz says:

    Or maybe they didn’t march?

  12. Elizabeth says:

    I really like ukrains outfit. it may be better suited for a cruise ship or a flight attendent. I really love the jackets.

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