Thanks to the forumers, we will soon be launching a new section, “Doing it Right”, with a selection of pictures showing men an women doing fashion right. Before we begin examining individuals, it’s time to talk movies- and Well Cultured has made a list of 15 fashionable movies from across Hollywood that exemplify damn good Men’s fashion.
Gattaca is one of those movies that continues to set trends- not only is it famous for sparking discussion on human genetic work, but also for it's striking character design. Gattaca has a style that could only be considered early American at best, and is one of the few movies to really use a double breasted suit- and it does it extremely well. Uma Thurman's style in the movie is similarly interesting for females- while remarkably plain, it nonetheless acts as a strong contrast later in the film- but it certainly wouldn't be advised for most, due to the matronly look it gives off.
Tags: Alfie, american gangster, American Gigolo, American Psycho, Catch me if you Can, Croupier, Doctor Who, Fashion, film, Gattaca, Hitch, james bond, Moulin Rouge, North by Northwest, oceans 11, Reign Over Me, The Blues Brothers
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Major props for Reign Over Me. Glad to see some of the focus being taken off of suits.
Glad to see Doctor Who/Tennant on the list. I always thought he was stylish.
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You keep getting style’s wrong, you always call 80’s style 90’s style. Learn your era’s of fashion.