Plateauing and Cutting
I’ve been on a cut and I’ve noticed my gains and my strength are decreasing. What can I do to stop this?
I’ve been on a cut and I’ve noticed my gains and my strength are decreasing. What can I do to stop this?
Is “swag” style fashionable?
Is a no-fap regime or nofap month worth it? I hear there can be test gains after a week.
A lot of websites are now promoting home workouts, like P90X. Should I do them to get ripped?
Dude, I keep lifting but I can’t seem to gain muscle mass. [I do a 5-day split]. What’s happening?
I’ve been having severe stomach pains after drinking my whey protein after hitting the gym. What the hell is up?
This guy on YouTube [link redacted for your safety] keeps saying that you can deadlift better if you begin the first rep with the bar away from your shins instead of against them like most people recommend. Is he right? No, that guy is an idiot. If that video is to be any example, he […]
Is maintaining a basic level of facial stubble fashionable?
Should I use pre-workout supplements like Jack3d? I’ve heard they really give you pump and stuff.
Should I get weight lifting shoes (AKA “squat shoes”)?
Read our Answer More Questions and Answers Ask a QuestionShould I go to a community college before I go to a 4-year college? Looks cheaper.