Wellcultured - A men's fashion, fitness, sex, and lifestyle magazine.


Parties: A College Education

Like it or not, parties are an important part of socializing. Knowing how to act at parties, and how to react to different situations, is a very good skill. Doing it right will ensure that you have a fun and safe night.

January 21st, 2009 by Ferg

Ten New-Years Resolutions you should make in 2009

2009 is going to be a very hard year- with a bad economy and a lot of social change. Here are some Well Cultured resolutions to make this year just a little bit easier.

December 31st, 2008 by admin

Manners 101, or why McDonalds is amazing

Companies like McDonalds, Amazon.com, and Netflix pride themselves on efficiency, with complex corporate rules to keep this efficiency cutting-edge. This idea- to optimize and make life easier- is remarkably similar to the concept of manners- which are similarly ways to make life easier for everyone.

December 6th, 2008 by admin

The Men’s Fashion of Quantum of Solace

An article on the Men’s fashions of Quantum of Solace- and how to get them yourself.

November 28th, 2008 by admin

Decorating with Geek and Style

I am a horrible weeaboo and I want to decorate my desk at my workplace with weeaboo faggotry, but I don’t want to creep out my co-workers or get fired or anything. What sort of things might you recommend? The key word here is moderation. When you are looking to decorate your workplace (or generally […]

November 12th, 2008 by admin

A Quick Banking Overview

I was sitting reading well-cultured when I had realized that one of the most important financial pieces that could ever be included was left out, banking, or more like saving money specifically. Even in our economic string of bad luck (failure) people still manage to function, I still fill my gas tank and buy a […]

November 3rd, 2008 by Cameron

Masculinity Revisited

Why Masculinity isn’t really masculine- and it all starts with James Bond, Dirty Harry, and it ends with John Rambo.

October 13th, 2008 by admin

A Fresh Start

Preface: So I’ve been in London all summer attending Richmond for some English classes and one of those classes was Reading and Writing of Short Stories.  I’ve written this about a freshman coming to college, trying to find his own niche.  It’s something different for Well Cultured, but I figured I’d display my creative side. […]

July 17th, 2008 by Daniel

Doing it Right: Men in Hollywood Edition

A collection of stylish male celebrities- some people you no doubt have heard of, some you may have not. This gallery is a collection of fashion trendsetters in the industry.

June 29th, 2008 by admin

15 Fashionable Movies for Men

Looking at the most fashionable movies in our collections, we’ve compiled a short list of 15 fashionable movies featuring men (and some women) dressed for movie success.

June 27th, 2008 by admin
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