Wellcultured - A men's fashion, fitness, sex, and lifestyle magazine.


4 ways to fight against stress, right now.

Stress is terrible to deal with, it causes people to do things our of impulse to try to relieve it. Here’s a few things to help cope under stress and to help out your tolerance against it right now

November 18th, 2012 by Taylor

5 Stupid Exercises you should stop doing

There are a lot of stupid exercises you can do in the gym — such exercises end up wasting your time more than building muscle or burning fat. Here are five examples.

October 28th, 2012 by admin

8 Beliefs of Broscience Debunked

Chances are, you’ve seen or participated in broscience. “Broscience” is a term for beliefs that “bros” in the gym tend to believe that are either totally false or generally useless. Broscience is pretty common nowadays — you see it in virtually every gym in the country — and it’s time we fought against it as much as possible. Here are some things to avoid (and frown at) when you see them.

November 13th, 2011 by admin

Being an Alpha Male

A new trend is developing online — the obsession with being an “Alpha Male”. In this article, I discuss some of the problems with this new “Alpha Male” trend, as well as some beneficial aspects of it. Ultimately, I propose a new definition of “Alpha Male” — one I think that is much more workable and positive in modern society.

July 31st, 2011 by admin

How to stay healthy, alert, and stress-free while traveling

Because traveling can be incredibly stressful and travel stops/airports commonly feature more junk food than they do good food, it’s incredibly difficult to travel and remain fit. Still, remaining fit while traveling isn’t entirely impossible — here’s how to fight against the inevitable.

June 4th, 2011 by admin

The Quick & Simple Guide to your Online Reputation

A quick and very simple guide on how to clean up your online reputation for jobs, school, and life.

February 16th, 2011 by admin

How to Study in College in 10 Steps

10 steps for being able to study better in college — such as avoiding study groups, taking good notes, deep processing, re-reading material, and focusing properly.

April 6th, 2010 by admin

The Value of Buying Used

Buying used can not only be a remarkably economic way to shop, but it can also be really stylish- here’s why.

March 1st, 2010 by admin

7 Monsters in your Pantry

Many of us have monsters in our pantries- things that make us fat and feel unwell. Here are 7 of these monsters- and what you can easily (and in many cases, cheaply) replace them with.

January 31st, 2010 by admin

The 6 Rules of a 6-Pack

Six-pack exercises, diets, and even pills are popular in the media- but the truth is, none of those work. Here are 6 true rules on how to get a six-pack- and none of them involve money.

January 17th, 2010 by admin
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