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How to Treat General Aches and Pains Naturally

Written by Kate Ferguson, Friday, September 16th, 2016 in Featured, Fitness

men-1179452_640You probably have some go to options when it comes to treating general aches and pains. Ibuprofen is a common choice for muscle soreness and headaches since it is available over the counter, but there can also be complications from taking too much too often. Turning to natural ways to handle aches and pains can reduce or eliminate the need for medicine of any kind, since often you end up activating the body’s own healing mechanisms. Of course you should always head to the doctor if something on or in your body seem unreasonably or newly painful, but assuming you can tell the difference between an injury and mild soreness some of these alternatives might be appropriate. Here are some easy ways to treat general aches and pains naturally.

Get a massage

No one has to tell you that getting a massage feels great and can be incredibly relaxing, but did you know that in addition to it being good for back and neck pain it is also helpful for headaches, osteoarthritis, and even fibromyalgia? Getting a massage can increase the feel good endorphins as well as the mood regulating serotonin, all while decreasing the levels of stress hormones in the body. Some studies have found that massage therapy might even turn off some of the genes are associated with inflammation.


The consensus behind why acupuncture works is mixed, but there is evidence that when certain points on the body are stimulated with acupuncture needles it affects the levels of the amino acid adenosine in the body. Adenosine naturally gets activated in the skin after an injury takes place as a natural response to try and reduce the pain. Acupuncture can also help to improve the function of the nervous system as well as the musculoskeletal system, and when those systems are often where pain is originating anyway. Some people would say that acupuncture has its limits, while others swear by it for its ability to correct physical and emotional imbalances of energy in the body.

Go to yoga

Yoga does more than just calm the mind and stretch the body, it also reduces common pain backs, pain from arthritis, and even helps prevent migraines. The stress reducing aspects of yoga might be part of the reason why it helps to reduce pain, since the less stress mental you have the less physical stress you have in your body as well. Many headaches are simply stress headaches to begin with. Additionally yoga is a very gentle way to both stretch and strengthen the muscles all over the body. The more holistically the muscles in the body can work together, the better they will be at preventing injury and remaining pain free.

Herbal supplements

Anytime you add a supplement to your diet you should make sure that there aren’t any interactions or concerns about doing so, but many people find that they are able to control general aches and pains this way. Getting plenty of omega-3 fatty acids might be helpful for reducing inflammation in the body, as is adding anti-inflammatory spices to the diet. Turmeric is one spice that is considered a powerful pain antidote, and might even work well enough to be an alternative to taking ibuprofen. You can add it to a smoothie or any savory sauce, or take it in a supplement form. In fact most spices you already have in your cabinet have powerful natural properties, and learning about what they are can make cooking and eating healthy an even more focused experience.

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